The Learning Unlimited course materials program provides access to all required course materials for eligible undergraduate students before the first day of class for one low flat fee per semester. The program provides the faculty-selected version of all required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes, and digital materials to eligible students. Pilot program begins fall 2023.
The Process
Upon registering for courses, you will be automatically enrolled into the program. Once you've successfully selected your courses, The Lehigh Store will start preparing your order.
Starting 30 days before the first day of classes, you will receive an email to verify your order and select your fulfillment preference. At this point, you will be able to opt out of the program, should you choose. When you opt out, you will be able to compare the cost of purchasing your textbooks ala carte versus the Learning Unlimited fee. Students may opt out by semester. The opt-out period for each semester is open 30 days prior to the first day of class and ends on the 10th day of class. For the fall semester that is September 6, 2024.
An email notification will be sent when your order is ready for pickup or when it ships. Your digital materials will be delivered for your course(s) within CourseSite.